Public private library archive
Government and private archives sometime pursue or receive funding for important oral history projects but do not have the staffing or skills to plan, manage, or execute production. Life History Services has helped numerous local, state, and national libraries and archives, both governmental and private (or a combination thereof) to capture and preserve stories of public, artistic, academic, political, environmental, and historical interest. If you have an idea or belong to an organization that wants to create and/or house an oral history archive, we are here to help. The following is a sampling of projects and archives we have worked on:



  • The Steven Spielberg Visual History of the Shoah (1995-1998) Over 40 videotaped interviews with holocaust survivors
  • The Edith S. Greene Oral History Archive of Temple Emanu El, San Francisco, California (1998-2006)  Over 20 videotaped, audio taped, and transcribed interviews with temple clergy, staff, and congregants
  • William Proxmire Oral History Project, Wisconsin Historical Society (2008-2011) 39 audiotaped oral histories, biographies, and transcripts with former staff, journalists, political commentators, elected officials, family, and friends of the late U.S. Senator William Proxmire.
  • States Impact on Federal Education Policy Oral History Project, New York State Archives (2012-2017) Over 20 oral history interviews (audio, print biographies, and transcripts) covering the 1950-2010, with experts on federal and state education policy, including policy analysts, academics, teachers, superintendents.
  • Roots, Shoots, & Blooms, An Oral History Project of the Community Support Network, Madison, Wisconsin (2019) 10 videotaped oral history interviews with adults living with developmental disabilities.