The following outline provides a general overview of our methodology. There are multiple steps which we are happy to describe in more detail. Please contact us for a free consultation.
Defining Wishes & Goals
Each client is unique, and our initial conversations will help us understand your wishes, define a course of action, and develop a project proposal.
Budgets & Agreements
Budgets range greatly depending on the scope, format, and amount of production involved. Life History services will submit a personally tailored project budget after determining with you the scope, format, and approximate length of your project. Each project proposal also includes standard oral history agreements regarding copyright, confidentially, and our commitment to the ethical standards of oral history. We are committed to our agreements and keep you apprised every step of the way. For a general price list or an individual estimate, please contact us.
Scheduling & Logistics
During this time of global pandemic, we are scheduling most interviews remotely, on a case by case basis. Normally, recorded oral history interviews run anywhere from 2 to 12 hours in length and are scheduled over several days or weeks at the location of a narrator’s choosing. Individual interview sessions normally run 90 to 120 minutes.
All projects begin with a pre-interview meeting of approximately two hours in length. Pre-interviews serve to choose basic themes and topics for the recorded interviews, gather family history and background information, prepare the narrator for the recorded interview(s), and provide the interviewer with a focus for research and interview development.
Recorded Interviews
A well-researched and skillful interview is the core any successful project. Regardless of the final format you choose, our recorded interviews are designed to capture the unique personality, voice, and life experiences of the narrator.
After the interviews are recorded, Life History Services begins our post-production phase. Depending on your specific project, post production may include things like interview transcription, memoir writing, audio and video editing, graphic design, and self-publishing. Post-production and project delivery is normally completed within 4-12 months of the final interview.
Life History Services provides all the equipment necessary to produce high-quality, archivally safe recordings. Since one cannot go back in time and improve upon the original sound and picture quality, we are committed to using state-of-the-art video and audio recorders, microphones, lights, as well as up-to-date hardware and software. We know how to operate it, and we will deliver everything to you on a project hard drive, cloud storage system, and hard copy for reading, viewing, and/or listening.